Trying To Eat With Kitties Around Is A Hilarious Struggle

Isn't it funny how cats do everything to get your food but if you try to touch their food they growl, hiss and get...

10 Things You Should Never Say To A Cat Owner

People who don't have cats, or never have even owned a cat before, certainly seem to have the most to say about owning them. It makes no sense, right?! And, you know what all their comments have in common? They're all so stereotypical, couldn't be farther from the truth, and to a cat owner, they are just annoying and unnecessary. So, non-cat owners, save yourselves the time, and do not say the following to anyone who is a cat owner....

12 Weird Things That Cat Owners Think Are The Norm

Life with cats, although very rewarding, can also be challenging. Let's not call it a bad challenge. Let's call it a funny challenge. These "challenges" happen daily. And, as a result, cat owners eventually start forgetting what "normal" really is. They start to think "normal" is whatever their cats have molded "normal" to be. Hats off to the psychological capabilities of cats!

20+ People Who Claimed They Didn’t Want The Damn Cat

There are two types of people in this world...those who love cats and those who haven't discovered their love of cats. What is there not...

15 Cats That Sum Up How Final Exams Really Make You Feel

Finals are certainly not a fun time for any student. They cause anxiety galore, sleep deprivation, and just overall, moodiness. And, you can't really talk to anyone about it, because they'll never understand the hell you're going through. But, should you decide to attempt to let someone know how you're feeling about exams, just send them these. These kitties totally get it!

15+ Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Are Im-paw-sible Not To Laugh At

Cats have always been hilarious, but as you can see from these purrfect photos, they're even funnier with Snapchat! Scroll down and you'll see what...

Cat Tries to Rescue Best Friend From the Vet

This kitty is very determined to save his friend from the veterinarian. We don't have the reasoning behind the kitten's heroics but whatever it...

Man Discovers His Cat Has Quite The Hilarious Talent…

A tuxedo cat by the name of Keys, has a very entertaining talent that not only makes his family laugh every time. But, also...

When You Don’t Finish Your Plate

What happens when you animals and you leave a plate of food than step out of the room for a moment...You might return to...

10+ Times Hoomans Wanted Cats And Dogs To Live Together, But It Didn't Quite...

Most of us like cats, some of us like dogs and there are those that love both. If you are the later then you try to hope for the best when you want to have both a cat and a dog. Although there's a stereotype of cats and dogs hating each other, with a little bit of luck and some very careful introductions the two can and do live together in relative harmony. The photos below give us a glimpse into a few times when felines and canines had their natural instincts take over and fought like...well cats and dogs. We can brush it up to sibling rivalry and deep inside their hearts they love each other ;) Do you or would you have both cats and dogs together as pets?

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