Jay Leno Proves Cats Are Smarter Than Dogs

Comedian, Jay Leno is a true cat lover and he was on a mission to prove that cats were in fact smarter than dogs....

Russian Artist Inserts Her “Fluffy” Cat Into Iconic Paintings

Zarathustra is a fat cat who is very fond of art. His creative human, Svetlana Petrova, complements her interest by adding him to some...

Two Irish Kittens Share a Guinness!

Watch as two young kitties have a chat and pass the time of day at their local bar. Since they are Irish, their obvious...

Meet Murphy, The Laundry Basket Hermit Crab Cat

Have You Seen The Hermit Crab Cat? Say hello to Murphy, a five month old orange tabby, who loves having a laundry basket placed...

15 Funniest Truths Cat Owners Know All Too Well

It's fair to say, that life is sweeter when you look at things with a sense of humor. And, when it comes to cats, it's especially necessary. Some days can be a little rough...even a little challenging with our kitty cats. And, when those days come, it's better to just take a deep breath and laugh about it. They're actually pretty comedic animals, if you consider all their typical and routinely shenanigans. They go something like this....

Meet Zuu – The Cat Who Looks Like How You Feel When You Hear...

We love all adorable cats but only the best and funniest gain legendary status and become memes. Zuu is one of those cats. He...

13 Cats That Prove Cats Mean Business When It Comes To Food

When cats are hungry, it's all they think about. No, they don't have patience to wait for food. They want food, and they want it now. And, you know that pizza you're having for dinner tonight, yeah....that's what they want. They say dogs are obsessed with eating, but cats may have them beat in this category. For cats, food has no boundaries, and no barriers.

15 Hilarious Rules Cats Set Down in Their Households

As all cat lovers know, the cats run the house! Once we bring a cat into our homes, it's no longer ours. We don't...

23 Important Firsts Every Cat Owner Has Experienced

23 Important Firsts Every Cat Owner Has Experienced

Have You Ever Wondered Why Your Cat Loves The Bathroom?

Kitties often enjoy hanging out in the bathroom and have you ever wondered why this room in a house is so appealing to them?...

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