Funny Interaction Of A Dog Breaking Up A Kitten Fight
These kittens were "play fighting"...when a curious dog discovers it and decided it break it up. The never saw the dog coming and their...
Bengal Cat Chattering at the Birds
"Our cat Maverick can't get enough of the birds outside the window."
Bengal cats are known to be a bit more chatty and we've found...
When Cats Reveal Their Deepest And Darkest Secrets
There's no denying that cats are sweet and cute, but they too have secrets. Don't let them fool you. What kind of secrets are...
12+ Cats That Prove They’re Thieves Undercover
Sure, cats may seem all sweet and innocent on the outside. But, if you only knew what was going on in their little heads. There's one concept that resonates in their minds always...."steal". They are masters of the "sneak", which in turn leads them to be masters of stealing as well....
Human Arrives Home To Find His Cat Sleeping In His Bed Like A Boss
In case you were wondering what kitties do when there are no humans around, well, perhaps this video will shed some light!
"Here’s my cat...
15 Of The Weirdest Things Cat Owners Have Come Home To
If you think that cats do nothing but sleep or relax while you're out, you are wrong. They manage to entertain themselves. And, they're far more creative about it than you would expect. And, the reason they get so clever with it, is because they know you're not home. But, some owners are lucky enough to walk in on it, and enjoy the show.
The 8 Stages of Cats on Catnip….May The Force Be With You
If you own a cat, you have for sure gone through cat nip adventures. But, like most things in life, which have their highs...
20 Cats Who Just Might Be Broken
It's not a secret that cats are naturally funny. But, some of them have so much of a sense of humor, that they are funny when they're not even trying. They're just being themselves, or they purposely get themselves into peculiar situations. It's never a dull moment with these kitties. They've lost their "mojos" one way or another....
17 Cats Who Will Convince Anyone To Be A Cat Lover…Too Cute!
Some people are dog people, or hamster people, or fish people. But, they steer away from cats. Maybe they listen to all the stereotypes about cats out there. But, for those who do have cats, and are "cat people", we know all the stereotypes to be untrue. You know cats, and know there are more reasons than you can even count, to love cats. But, many people don't even have a clue. We bet these kitties can convince them to be "cat people", in a second!
15 Reasons You May Not Want To Be "A Cat Person" Anymore…
Are you think of getting a cat? Or did you just get a cat because you recently crowned yourself "a cat person"? Well, the following may make you think twice about that. Sure cats are cuddly, perfect for those cold lonely nights. But, how are they really in their entirety?