
The Perfect Table For All Cat's Curiousity: CATable by Ruan Hao

This table is not only decoratively appealing, but also a haven for cats. Your living room will never have looked better, and your cat will be having so much fun, he/she won’t even know what to do with themselves. This clever and charming table, known as the CATable, was created by Ruan Hao, from LYCS, an architecture firm based in Hangzhou and Hong Kong. It is especially designed for cats to explore, and sleep in. The table features crannies and passageways, where your kitty can roam in awe.

Made from a solid piece of wood, the table top features a series of openings and tunnels that have been carved out by hand

“It is a table for us, and a paradise for cats” – Ruan Hao

Spaces for a cat to satisfy its curiosity and allow pet owners to share their work space

“A proper sized hole could be so irresistible to cats. Their curiosity would be greatly satisfied through repetitively exploring the unknown path behind the hole.”

Short clip of table in action:

Furniture has never been this clever, until now….Share with friends!
(h/t: Freshome)