
People Are Sharing How Their Cats Deal With Them Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many people around the world to work from home. Gone are the days of free snacks, long bathroom breaks and office gossip but there is one big upside that should make the transition easier. Cats.

Cat owners have been sharing about their ‘new colleagues’, and it’s clear that the felines are enjoying the extra attention. It doesn’t matter if they’re taking over their humans’ keyboards or snuggling themselves on their laps, they simply can’t leave their favorite hooman alone and it’s purrfect.

Mr Belarus Reporting For Duty. Working From Home? We Got This!

The pets are the winners of the corona situation. They get their humans home all the time!

Oh Hai

“Thoughts and prayers to everyone out there trying to work from home with a pet that does not understand the concept” – Anagha Srikanth


New friend at the office is not very good with personal space

“Meetings with my manager are a little different during mandated work from home” – Bradley Babendir


New colleagues! They did not fully understand the concept of social distancing

He found it funny to play with the screen

Keyboard now!

The coolest thing about working from home? My cat sitting on my laptop trying to drink my coffee

I work at home and my cat has taken control of my camera

Some mornings, my boss looks at me like that

In the breakroom?

Colleague of the day, every day

The best kitten. It doesn’t help anyone to work but he’s just really cute

Gary, a future lawyer