Little Kitten Loves His Human Dad So Much

A precious moment of tenderness is on display between a tiny 2 week old white kitten his very compassionate human dad. This is how the...

It loops so well!

24 Cats Who Have A Hysterical Hoarding Problem….

Do you think that your grandma is the only one who hoards? If you do, then you're mistaken. Believe it or not, cats have a huge hoarding problem. The upside to cats being hoarders, is that it's pretty entertaining to see what they collect. It's always the most random objects ever. And, it's never as bad as grandma's hoarding. It's far more of an easier clean up :)

18+ Photos Proving Cats Are Actually Secret Agents

You don't have a pet cat, you have actually housed a small feline secret agent. Don’t believe us? We compiled the evidence below to prove it.