
It’s Official…Warmth Is A Cat’s Total Weakness

We all know cats love to sleep and enjoy the the art form that is laziness. But, if they could describe to you the perfect location or setting to do the sleeping and laziness, they’d tell you hands down, in the sun. Nothing is more soothing to a tired or lazy kitty, than to just relax while being caressed and cradled by the sun’s perfect warmth. These adorable cats prove the theory to be very true.

Avoiding the shade.

Pure satisfaction.

Sweet spot between the laptop and the lamp.


This little kittie is creative.


Cat prison.


Warm dreams.

Home invasion.


The perfect formation.



No sun for dogs!

This has to be some kind of sign.


Cat loves the fire.


Pure ectasy.


That must feel so good.


“This laptop is mine now, human. “

Looking at these cats alone gets us into relax mode! Is it nap time for us too?! Share with friends!
(h/t: Sortra )