
Husband Is Floored By Lengths Cat Will Go To Steal Treats, So He Records To Show His Wife

If you have ever owned a cat, even for a short while, then you probably know that there can be almost no way to make a cat change its mind. When a cat has decided on something, they will stop at nothing to achieve this, even at the price of making complete fools of themselves, or worse!
One cat has decided that the treats he’s been getting were not enough, so he decided to climb on the kitchen counter and look for some himself. This hilarious footage from Luton, England, has captured the moment a cat’s attempt to steal treats from the kitchen cupboard goes wrong.
The black thief’s name is Growler and his favorite are Dreamies cat treats. He loves those treats so much, that he must have them right now! So he climbed on the counter and started scratching on the cupboard door, hoping it will open.
For a moment he stops, as if he’s given up, but his paw gets stuck in the door handle and when he pulls it, the door opens, leaving the silly cat hanging for his hide! Panicking, he starts grabbing the cupboard door with his other paw and with some inertia and a lot of luck, the door swings back and bring the thief to the safety of the counter. Phew, that was close, almost…
This little mishap didn’t throw the cunning cat off one bit. The moment his legs found solid ground, he went straight for the cupboard to look for what he came in the first place…Dreamies…