
Family of Sick Homeless Kittens is Rescued from Life on the Streets

Hope for Paws was contacted about a mother cat and her litter of kittens hiding out in a backyard. As soon as JoAnn found them she could tell that they were suffering from Cerebellar Hypoplasia. This is a developmental condition where part of the brain is not fully formed which can cause a lack of coordination. Also known as “wobbly cat syndrome”, it most often occurs when the mother cat is infected with Panleukopenia while pregnant. Thankfully the disease is not a life threatening condition.

Soon after, JoAnn was able to secure one of the kittens but mom and her other kitten managed to escape. Three weeks prior to the woman that originally contacted Hope for Paws found another litter of kittens in the bushes and one of the kittens also had “wobbly cat syndrome.” So Hope for Paws offered to take in and rescue all the kittens. JoAnn named them Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Elton John. With all of the other kittens now safe, JoAnn headed back to try and rescue the other kitten and her mom. The mission was a success and both mom and her daughter were rescued, they were named Joan Jett and Stevie Nicks.

If you would like to find out more about Hope For Paws and the fabulous work they do or if you would like to make a donation, click here