Cat Attempts to Rescue Kitten from "Inside a Laptop"

When May-chan the cat heard a meowing kitty she desperately wanted to help. Unfortunately this poor cat just couldn't figure out how to rescue...

Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs

Whether you are a ‘dog person’ or a ‘cat person’ this lighthearted look at why cats are better than dogs is sure to bring...

Cats and Kittens vs Their Own Shadows!

Here a very cute and sweet compilation of cats vs their own shadow. These cats engage in epic battles with their own shadows and...

Two Irish Kittens Share a Guinness!

Watch as two young kitties have a chat and pass the time of day at their local bar. Since they are Irish, their obvious...

Cat Becomes Cranky When Asked to Come Down from Her Favorite Spot

Have you ever been so happily snuggled up in your favorite spot that you didn't want to move at all? The feeling when you...

Adorable Kitten Has Precious Encounter With Husky

We all know that stereotype about cats and dogs being mortal enemies and that they cannot stand each other. Well it seems that this...

Former Marine Reunited With Cat After 4 Years And 1,700 Miles

Four years and 1,700 miles had separated Hemi the cat from his family, but that didn’t stop him from wandering back into their lives....

Meet Max The Canadian Lynx – He’s a Big Baby

Meet Max Lynx, the educational animal ambassador who takes a moment to get some good scratchin’ before he sits down for his meal. Max...

My Talking Cat Says “I Don’t Know”

Here's a video of one very chatty cat! His human claims that the cat is saying "I Don't Know". But does this cat actually...

Ragdoll Kitten Completely Loses His Mind on Ottoman

Watch as this adorable Ragdoll kitten goes crazy chasing an imaginary friend on a leather ottoman. You can see that he's clearly having tons of...

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