9 Cats And Their Love of Boxes

It’s no secret that cats just absolutely love boxes, so this creative cat owner decided to place a bunch of cardboard boxes together, effectively...

Amazing Footage Captures Tiger Giving Birth To Twin Cubs

Any birth is amazing, but since the Sumatran tiger is an endangered species, the birth of twins is an even more remarkable story. This...

Do Big Cats Like Fish?

We all know cats like fish, but do big cats like fish? Big Cat Rescue is going to try feed fish to a...

Cat Politely Asking To Get Petted

Mavi is a tuxedo cat who always asks for pets 😺 If you look closely you'll see a portrait of Maxi in the background. This...

This Cat May Appear Normal, But Look Closer And You'll Find He’s Actually A...

Meet Oscar, a beautiful black cat that was given a second chance because of an amazing veterinarian using the latest in bionic technology. After...

Bengal Cat Mommy Talking To Her Cute Tiny Kitty

We know that cat moms are really connected to their babies. This Bengal cat mommy while checking in on her kitten starts speaking to...

A Very Talkative Cat

Burnsy the cat is a smooth talker and he knows exactly how to negotiate more sleep time with his human! She says: “Burnsy is my...

Precious Little Kitten Loves Her Human So Much

This is just PURRfect! Watch as this adorable wobbly kitten starts walking up to her human when she hears her name called. She came...

5 Ways to Comfort a Kitten

“Fostering orphan kittens means you have fill in for their mama and that includes providing them with comfort and warmth. Here’s my top 5...

Sleepy Kitten’s Priceless Reaction When She Sees Her Mom

Watch Billie, a 12 week old female ragdoll / siamese kitten and her absolutely adorable reaction when she see's mom. We could go into...

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