2And stack those end tables to create shelves for your cat to lounge on, and for pet supply storage.

4Empty milk cartons can be used to create a kitty litter scoop.

Easily replaceable when it gets old!
5Terrariums are a good way to keep your cats from getting into your plants or walking around with dirty paws.

Make sure they are large/heavy enough so that your cat will not be able to knock it down! Etsy has plenty.
6Or place pinecones in potted plants, because they’re uncomfortable for your cat to step on and will keep them out.

7Cover exposed cords with split tubing to keep your cats from chewing through them.

Found on Amazon.
8NATURE’S MIRACLE. It gets rid of cat-pee stains and odors that are otherwise indestructible.

Buy it here.
10Or use an old ladder as a cat climbing ramp.

Find a ladder of your own and cover each step with scraps of carpeting, or purchase one here!
13And your own cat deterrent, to keep them from scratching and/or jumping on the furniture.

Instructions here.
14Use old plastic Easter eggs to create fun puzzle toys for your cat.

Simply cut out a small hole, and fill the egg with treats or catnip!
17Create a fun and inexpensive game for your cat using an old cardboard box and a ball.

This will keep their mind active and engaged! Find the tutorial here.
18Learn about your cat’s body language from these simple charts so you always know what they’re telling you!

For more information, go here.
19If you need to bathe your cat, do it in the sink as opposed to the bathtub.

This allows you to bring your cat closer, making it easier to wash him, and the confining space is especially helpful for very reluctant kitties.
20If your cat has trouble with hairballs, use kitty grass, which will provide fiber.

Available on Amazon and local pet stores.
21Draw a circle around your pet’s food bowl with chalk to keep ants away.

Ants don’t walk across chalk!
24Spend a few extra moments in the morning or evening brushing down your cat, and you’ll have less fur on all your furniture!

Find a brush for your cat here.
25And running your hands over the furniture with rubber gloves on is a quick and easy way to get rid of cat hair.