20+ Of The Best Cat Tattoo Ideas Ever
Since ancient times cats have been a symbol of grace and poise. The word cat comes from the ancient Egyptian name "caute." In ancient Egypt, they had cat goddesses Isis and Ba'at, and were often depicted in art and even mummified just like humans. Egyptians held felines in the highest esteem, and killing one, even by accident, often resulted in death penalties. In Greek times, they were linked with cleanliness, lust, deviousness, and cunning. Back in the Stone Age, cats were buried next to their deceased owners. But most people do not get cat tattoos because of their historical importance. Mainly, men and women get cat tattoos because cats are free-spirited animals associated with the sense of independence, intellect and at times even symbols of rebellion. Cats are also very lovable and sweet making them the purrfect way for some to show off their nature.