What can we say? You can’t always luck out with a good kitty. Some people didn’t have the luck of the draw, and ended up with a kitty that may cause more headache than joy. There are very few times these particular cats get praised, and it’s easy to see why. If you have a bad kitty, than these will be all too familiar to you.
1When you got a cat you imagined hours cuddling together, but instead your cat likes to sit across from you and give you the stink eye.

5Despite hating physical contact most of the time, your cat still managed to take up your whole bed.

7Other things your cat likes to do at 4am include sprinting around the whole house and randomly attacking stuff.

9And just when you think you’ve persuaded them to stop doing one thing, they find a new way to torture you.

13Your cat tries to eat your food all the time, and there are some things you have to hide from them.

18And your cat being a dick just makes it even more special when they do decide to show the smallest amount of affection.

Talk about tough cookies! Share with friends!
(h/t: Buzzfeed )