
15+ Liquid Cats That Take Shape of Their Containers

Wikipedia states “liquid takes the shape of a container” and maintains “almost-fixed volume.” Well there you have it, cats are in fact liquids! For cats, the “If It Fits, I Sits” mantra is fundamental to a happy life. How else would you explain their incessant need to fit into the tightest of spaces? They will take any chance to prove they are liquids by jumping into various boxes, jars or pots no matter how small they are, resulting in some pretty pawsome cat photos as well as indisputable proof that cats are actually liquid.

Update: Feline Continues To Seek Fully Liquid State

Cat Loves Its Fish Bowl

i iz hot dog?

A Bowl Of Flour

Liquid state

You Both Can’t Fit… Oh, I Forgot Cats Were Liquid


The toe beans!


Boxed liquid cat



Small drink




Waterfall Kitty


I’ll Have A Glass Of…


Sink Is Clogged


I Fits I Sits Junior Edition


Liquid purr



Laundry done!


What’s for dinner?


Indisputable Proof That Cats Are Liquid


Oh Hai, didn’t see you there



I Am So Comfortable


The toe beans!