
15 Cats Who Nail The Realities Of Our Work Lives

These cats totally know how we feel about our work life. Oh the ups and down of just one day at the office. And, listening to your boss constantly repeat himself/herself about the same meaningless rubbish. It’s so exhausting. But it’s nice to know that someone out there, in this crazy world, understands and can perfectly describe our true feelings about work. Just one look at these cats, you’ll crack up, because the definitely hit the nail on the head.

That face when you start a new job and can’t remember anyone’s name

When your boss has a new favorite employee


When someone tells you the latest gossip

When your boss tells a really lame joke


When you realize that tomorrow is the weekend

When you get told your wages will come late

…and when you get them!


When you get that funny email from your friend about your boss

…and accidentally send it to them!


When you work really hard on a project but then it flops at the last hurdle

When everyone keeps coming to you with questions


When you’re too tired to work

When you know exactly who ate your lunch


Your reaction when you realize your boss is on vacation

When you just enjoy your weekend

Yep, that pretty much sums it up perfectly! Share with friends!